Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Snog-ish

Ok you may not know this but sometimes a writer's muse just shuts the hell up and nothing comes. I have been thinking about what to write for this Sunday all weekend and literally NO ideas have entered my brain so instead of writing a wee story for you folks I am doing something a bit different.  Here are fun snogging clips from a few of my favorite gay movies. =) I gift these to you and am now running off to say a prayer that my muse returns in the near future. *crosses fingers*

#1: Shelter - I absolutely love this movie. If you haven't watched it, YOU SHOULD!!!

#2: Latter Days - A Little Cheesy but still leaves me with the warm fuzzies inside. (a wee bit NSFW but not much)

#3: Torchwood - Not a movie but, seriously...Jack and Ianto...nuff said. =)

Hope you have enjoyed these super snog-y snippets and if my muse starts speaking to me again before the end of the week I may post of mid week short. Until then, I bid you adieu. =)

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